A Realtor’s Recommendations

By Michael Williams

March 7th, 2024

When you want to sell your home, hiring a realtor can help in several ways. A good realtor not only will bring experience in and knowledge of your market to the table but also can negotiate on your behalf, help you price your home, and – last but not least – give recommendations for how to sell your home for the best price possible. A good realtor can acquaint you with characteristics of homes in your expected selling price range as well as advise you how to position your home in your local market.

Here are some items that realtors may recommend no matter your location:

1. Prepare Your Home Inside: First impressions matter. Make sure your home is clean,  decluttered, and well-maintained. Consider making any necessary repairs or updates to  enhance its appeal.

2. Prepare Your Home Outside (a.k.a. Curb Appeal): Speaking of first impressions, the exterior of your home is the first thing potential buyers will see. Ensure that the landscaping is tidy, the exterior is well-maintained, and the entrance is inviting.

3. Highlight Key Features: Identify and highlight the unique selling points of your home.  These could be its location, amenities, recent renovations, or energy-efficient features. 

4. Stage Your Home: Staging involves arranging furniture and decor to showcase your home’s potential and help buyers envision themselves living there. Consider hiring a professional stager if you’d like an expert set of eyes. 

5. Consider Pre-Inspections: Offering a pre-inspection can provide peace of mind to  potential buyers and may help streamline the negotiation process.

These recommendations are a good start for preparing to sell your home. For more personalized advice for your selling goals, contact Michael Williams at lakeandvillagerealty@gmail.com or (315) 237-4544. Our Lake and Village team looks forward to working with you!

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